Meet: Outside Costa Coffee, 261 Tottenham High Road, N15 4RR
Take a walk with tour guide Avril Nanton and explore the history of this well-known road in Tottenham. With Avril you will discover more about pioneering trailblazers Dyke & Dryden and their beauty and hair products, Bernie Grant MP for Tottenham, and – in this 100th anniversary year since her birth - the internationally renowned textile designer Althea McNish. You will see where they started their businesses, established their workplaces or set up home. Heavily influenced by the large African and Caribbean population, most people are not aware of the famous people who have lived in this street, making important contributions to the area and to Black British history in general.
Starting at Costa Coffee and finishing at West Green Common, this walk will take in some of the well-known shops past and present along West Green Road, including Uncle John’s Bakery and Bodies Music, some of the 20 Black hair and beauty shops that line the street, as well as stopping by the lesser-known Windrush monument, and, not forgetting, the home of textile designer Althea McNish, the woman who designed for the Queen.
This special free walk to commemorate Windrush Day is organised by Bruce Castle Museum & Archive with Avril’s Walks and Talks.
Please book your free ticket for this walk via Avril's website.
NB These walks are very popular. If you are no longer able to join the walk, please get in touch with tour guide Avril Nanton as soon as possible so your ticket can be reallocated.
Please dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes for walking.