Heritage Projects and Community Groups

Hi CULTURE! - Tottenham High Road: Shaped by Innovation, Inspired by Community

'Hi CULTURE!' is an inspiring cultural and heritage project that focuses on the high street along Tottenham High Road. It is part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone in Bruce Grove, Tottenham High Road. 

Heritage Projects and Community Projects

Tottenham High Road and Bruce Grove

Between 2022 and 2024, Bruce Castle Museum and Archive has joined forces with Tottenham's Bernie Grant Arts Centre and North London Community House in Bruce Grove to deliver cultural activities for local people.

Conversations with local people have uncovered memories from around the area and explored the diverse, multicultural influences that shape the shops, businesses and communities of Tottenham High Road today - especially for the Bruce Grove area of the high street.  These stories and experiences  have inspired a series of creative and cultural events between 2022 and 2024, supported by Haringey Council, to promote the High Road as a vibrant cultural destination.


Get Involved

Get Involved

How to get involved 

You can take part to help us shape our project.  We are collecting community stories - maybe you can tell us more about the shops, businesses and communities who make our High Road and our local community. Do you have a story to tell? We would like to hear your story! 

Or would you like to volunteer and be a Story Collector? If so, get in touch! 

How to find out more 

If you want to know more, you can look at the Hi CULTURE! webpage, hosted by the Bernie Grant Arts Centre.

You can also email us at Bruce Castle Museum and Archive on museum.services@haringey.gov.uk or engage@berniegrantcentre.co.uk (please put 'Hi! Culture' in the subject line).

Hi Culture logo